So I was thinking about the task when this hit me - How do you decide what the certificate is? Naturally you'd imagine a thriller to be a 15 or even an 18 because of common conventions such as violence and strong language but there are 12s that fall into this genre. Look at those age certificates you see on DVD covers, I noticed the word bbfc all over it. This refers to the 'British Board of Film Classification'. I looked on the website and here's what I found:
The main purpose of attaching an age to a piece of media is to:
- protect children and vulnerable adults from potential harm or unsuitable content
- empower consumers, particularly those responsible for children, to make informed viewing decisions.
- moderate violence
- strong language (depending on the manner it is used in)
- brief sex and verbal references to sex
- reference to drugs (however not strong)
- strong violence
- frequent strong language (occasions of strongest terms)
- strong verbal references to sex
- nudity and/or sexual activity (however no strong detail)
- discriminatory language and/or behaviour (e.g. racist or homophobic)
- drug taking
- very strong violence
- frequent use of strong and very strong language
- strong portrayals of sexual activity
- strong horror
- strong gore
- discriminatory language and/or behaviour
- real sex (in some circumstances)
- drug taking (however should not promote drug misuse)
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