Hi I'm Alex and this is my first ever blog. I'm currently studying Media and I have no past experience in making film. Although I did used to post stop motion videos on YouTube a few years ago. I got into doing it through watching a well known youtuber call ForrestFire101 who's stop motions are just awesome. I think my most popular one only had like 500 views. Due to things like revising for my GCSEs and overall being busy I stopped making them but it would be nice to give it another go sometime just for fun. I'm definitely looking forward to gaining experience in making films as this task progresses.
Do I have any interest in film? Yes. Definitely. I could watch films all the time, I love them. Its like one of my skills. I always make references in front of my friends and there always like 'what are you talking about?' Plus, I always find films as good conversation starters. Although its kind of bad when you asked them if they have seen something and they say no but I'm dying to talk about. My favourite films to watch are mainly action and sci-fi but I love those types of films that really make you think, like the Minority Report (which by the way is a great Tom Cruise film). My all time number one film that will always be my favourite is The Dark Knight. If you haven't seen it why are you reading this you should be searching through it on your TV now. I've always been a fan of the Batman franchise but Heath Ledger's performance just takes acting to the next level. His unique twist on the Joker resulted in a rich, thrilling character to watch on screen. I believe Christopher Nolan will always be remembered for making the Dark Knight Trilogy. Although know that I think about, Interstellar was cool too.
The task that me and my fellow colleges have been assigned is to create an introduction to a thriller film. Exciting. I'm really looking forward to this as I will be introduced to a wide range of filming and editing software that, hopefully, I'll learn to use. Not to mention practically making a film sounds so cool compared to learning about Shakespeare or something. I can't wait! It'll be so awesome when its done!
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